
I was thinking this morning, how much I've changed in just these few weeks. I don't know how long it will last, but I find myself in a completely new frame of mine, that I honestly didn't really have before.

Even back when I lost the bulk of the weight, I floated around, I exercised alot, and did some diet plans, but if I wanted McDonalds, I got McDonalds.

These few weeks, even when I've gone out to eat, I stop and think - what is healthy for me to eat? I look at calories. I am disgusted by the amount of calories in Chili's foods. I even have skipped ordering fries at McDonalds (and settled for like, 5-10 french fries from Brad's - enough to satisfy my craving, but few enough that its not going to be that unhealthy).

With Chinese - I'm thinking - I can't have those fried foods. And I honestly don't want them. I mean, I want them, but the thought of actually eating them kind of disgusts me.

My daily life for these few weeks has been thinking about points and calories, about fitness, and the best things I can have, still be happy with my foods, but also not feel guilty for eating them.

When we went out for drinks last week, I had a couple of drinks because they were celebrating me. But I chose Sangria, usually not something I'd order - because of its low point factor. A margarita is 800 calories (for a SMALL one). No thanks.

My point is, I'm changing the way I'm looking at foods. I hope I keep this up for a long time. I don't want to get back to the point where I can eat 2 chicken sandwiches, a large fry, and 2 apple pies with a large diet coke at McDonalds. And still be hungry. I LIKE being full from a cup and a half of mac and cheese. I like not being able to eat an entire plate of chinese food.

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