By the way, I drank about 15 points in Sangria last night. I ate probably 6 points of food. Added to the 10 points I ate earlier in the day, my points came in at 31.

For today, I ate 5.5 points for breakfast, a 2 point yogurt, but have no clue what lunch was. I searched, but apparently those bastards at Bertucci's don't release their nutrional information. Someone on sparkpeople put some info in, but who knows if it is right. They say each roll is 130 calories (I had two), the salad was probably almost nothing, just greens, a teaspoon of their weird dressing. But lord knows how much the two small slices of pizza were. I mean small - equivalent to one normal slice of pizza (if that). The pizza had about a half cup of sausage on it, and a couple of plops of ricotta cheese.

I'm just going to walk and run tonight, and eat perfect for the next 3 days. That's really all I can do!

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