
Our Foxwoods and Mohegan run was fun yesterday. We came away just $65 down after hours of playing penny slots and some video poker together. I swiped my card at the Mohegan kiosk and won $25! I've never won before :)

I had a Dunkins Multi Grain bagel with cream cheese for breakfast (I don't love them, they were kind of gross). I had some all natural cheeseburger sliders and fries with asiago cheese & oil on top (just a few though, I gave most of them up to brad) for lunch, and then for dinner we went to Birch's in Mohegan and I had the same thanksgiving sub I'd had before, a slice of Brad's flatbread pizza, and a few more fries.

We walked over 9000 steps yesterday, came to something like 3.6 miles, and about 1400 of them were aerobic steps.

We got home around 1am. It took a couple of hours to get back because of the snow but actually, there was only about an inch on the ground, and also, there was no one on the road so driving really wasn't that bad coming back.

Today, so far, I've eaten bacon & two overeasy eggs, and I've already done 10 minutes on the eliptical. The idea is that later today I will do some pilates or crunches/pushups or wii fit. Some other form of exercise, now that I've got some cardio done for today. I'm breaking up my workout, I read once that short workouts spread throughout the day are actually more effective than one long workout. Like, take 4 short walks instead of 1 long walk.

Other than that, I'm just chillin' today and working on Shannon's last xmas gift! :)


Fatty McFat-Fat said...

What I've been reading lately is short workouts are just as effective as one long one, but one isn't really better than that other. I'm sure that will change in a year or two with the next study though. lol

Melissa Whittaker said...

oh ok, thanks! i had read it on yahoo a few months ago that splitting up, say, walking for like, 4 10 minute increments was better than one 40 minute walk...but either way, i just wanna get a workout in!