Shannon made me a series of polyvore outfits, like the one below. I'm left wondering, why does everything look so fab when placed together on a screen, and on me, it doesn't. Like this outfit. It's fairly simple. The accessories aren't anything too fancy. And I could probably make something very similar from my current closet. Yet...doesn't look as good on me in person! Why is that?

I'm determined to start piecing (sp?) together outfits & accessories the way Shannon has done them, because it just seems awesome. But I don't think I'll ever look as good as all this stuff looks on a blank page. I don't think its just me though. I think, its that the pieces really DO look better as individual pics on a page than they do on a person. Even a celeb. :)

Ghost Tours
Ghost Tours by ShannonF27 featuring Dorothy Perkins bracelets

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