Ugh. I think I have the flu. I've got what appears to be a pretty bad cold...but its accompanied by a fever. Throat isn't too bad so I don't think its strep throat. At this point, though, who knows. I'm so out of it.


Chai Latté said...

:-( I'm sorry it turned into a yucky cold!!

Apparently a "flu-like cold" is going around like crazy. A lot of people at work, their kids have it. So, I am sure it'll be heading my way next!

Please feel better :-(

Melissa Whittaker said...

ah well that's good. brad just told me that you dont get a fever with a cold, so i figured it was a "cold like flu" :) either way. it blows. although, its much better than the flus where you puke your brains out.

Chai Latté said...

Yah, you can get a fever with anything! If I even get a small head cold, I get a fever! Hate that!

Rest up, and you'll be good as new in no time!