Good day for feelin' great. I plan to run another mile tonight. Or more, if I can do it.

But not a good day for money :( Brad's truck is going to take a week and $2500 to fix. They have to take apart the whole transmission. YUCK.

Good news - its picture post time: Here's my lunch today. Its a homemade turkey salad sandwich (I roasted turkey this weekend because it was cheaper than the whole chickens for more pounds), green beans, grape tomatoes, and an apple. Oh, and that's my water bottle in the corner. Sorry the pic is kinda crappy, its quicker to use my camera phone than my actual camera (nor do I have my camera with me at work).


Chai Latté said...

That looks soo good!

Melissa Whittaker said...

Didn't eat the apple yet. I think we might be going out to dinner, and I wasn't that hungry, so i'm going to hold off on that point if I can :)